"Meme" Exhibition Interactive Portal

March, 2007
: Design, implementation

A Flash-based interactive gallery that also serves as information web portal for "Meme" - the Winter 2007 Senior Undergraduate Exhibition, an exhibition featuring 32 graduating students in the Studio Art department at UC Irvine.

Challenge: Raising awareness of a largely student-organized exhibition by captivating viewers and enticing them to visit the physical exhibit.

Solution: The portal was designed as a "virtual information gallery" where information is presented in the form of paintings and sculptures. Interactions also mimics an actual visitor's actions in a gallery, strolling along a wall of artworks, stopping and looking closer when encountering an art piece (information) of interest.

A main focus of the site is the flying dandelion-based artists listing. An experiment in methods of interaction, it is also a reflection on the transient nature of the artists as students, as all artists are in their graduating year.

Roles Involved: Website concept, design and implementation. Deer-head and zebra figures provided by fellow exhibition artist Ryan Chin

Technology: Flash 8, Actionscript, XML, XHTML, CSS