UC Irvine Alumni Association

November, 2005 - April, 2007
: Product conception, information architecture, design

Various print material for the UC Irvine Alumni Association
Alumni News magazines showing front covers

From 2005-2007, I've handled almost all of the University of California, Irvine Alumni Association's design needs. The UCI alumni population is large, at over 100,000. The goal in designing for such a unique yet diverse community has been to create a consistent and professional visual identity centering on common themes. More specific campaigns also received different thematic treatments based on their subjects and target audience. Another important aspect of the work was coordinating with printing and manufacturing providers to ensure the final products matched design specifications.

As the Alumni Association also handles many of the graduation and commencement process for students as well as the alumni community, an important aspect of my internship was figuring out how to design forms with information architecture in mind to clearly display and capture information, from donation campaigns to commencement cap & gown orders, in both printed and electronic formats.